Sunday, March 3, 2013


I have one big enemy. Stress. I can't seem to get away from it. It comes after me at work most of the time, which is where I spend close to 50% of my life - more if you count my mind being there.  Stress from the job, customers, bills, or family are all around us.  It would be nice to get rid of stress once and for all, wouldn't it?  I'm sure it will never be gone completely, but I have found some ways to fight the sickness of stress. They might even work for you!

Exercise classes (aerobic, water, or weight lifting) to music have played a big factor in my happiness from day to day BS that I put up with in order to make a living.  I find myself happier when I release endorphins moving to music with a group of people who are doing the same thing.  I participate in Body Step aerobics, Body Pump weight lifting, and Zumba which is a lot of fun! Some people tell me "I'm too embarrassed" or "I'd look stupid doing that." One reason I like group classes - everyone in the class is doing the same thing you are.  Get in the back and watch someone in front of you.  That's how I learned!  If you like music and want to have some fun beating stress (or getting into shape), this is the best way.  I go on both my days off of work and a couple days during the week. I call it "recreation" not "exercise".  Like many people like shooting hoops or playing video games - I like moving to music! As they say in Zumba - Ditch the workout, join the party!!

Herbal teas - now I know many people don't like tea (why, I don't know), but I have found some to help with many problems (mentally and physically). Yogi brand teas are good and are available in many health stores.  I find them more expensive at Naturally Yours or Fresh Market so I have been ordering them online through Swanson Health Products for about half the price. 

I've tried Calming (big stress reliever without putting you to sleep) which uses Chamomile with Lemongrass and Gotu Kolal. Organic Lavender Flower and Licorice add to the taste, which is great by the way.  Relaxed Mind is a good one, but I find that it had started making me sleepy.  It uses Aromatic Lavendar and Organic Sage to balance mood and nuture creativity. Nice pleasant taste.

Another one is Muscle Recovery - for my recreational fun or sometimes the physical work I do at the post office. It's green tea that uses soothing herbs like Turmreic Root, Devil's Claw Root and Yucca Root. Ginseng is added to reenergize the body.  Love the taste of this one as well and it has helped me after I have overworked the muscles!

The reason I started trying these teas was the mention of Ginger Root.  This one is good for the digestive system and let me tell you - it works!  I was skeptical at first, but when I drank 2 cups one day, I felt much better.  This is a strong tea and a big spice, so I can't leave the tea bag in the cup the entire time (which I normally do since I like it strong). This is a great one for people who have colon cancer in their family or suffer from not "being regular".  There is another tea Yogi makes called "Get Regular" but that's a laxative.  I cannot explain that one more, since I haven't tried it and hopefully won't have to.

Yogi teas also make a Blueberry Slim and a Caramel Apple for diet assistance.  They can be consumed in between meals and can keep you from hunger. I have the Blueberry Slim but haven't had a cup yet. Looking forward to it!

These are the main stress relievers I've found to be helpful with others I have mentioned just to help people who may not have knows these sources are out there.  Yogi makes many more of these herbal teas and they can be found at

There are many more ways to relieve stress. Try downloading some Relaxing Music to your Ipod or computer.  Even listening to it as background music helps ease your mind.  Meditation is in my future and hoping to try that out soon.  Any comments on techniques are appreciated!!  Until next time... 

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